Introduction on listening
- 16 Nov, 2020
Everyone wants fame, fortune, success and admiration from others
A leader typically have all these fame, fortune, success and admirations
A leader typically speaks very well with words that resonated with many
Ironically enough, in order to speak very well, you must first understand your audience
Before you understand, you must listen
Everyone can listen, but not many can listen well
Problems from not listening well
“I feel like you never understand me”
“You have never accepted me for who I am”
“I cannot be myself around you”
These are all common words expressed by those whose voice are unheard, by those who were not listened to
These people include loved ones who’s breaking up or on the verge of breaking up in relationships
These people include teenagers and adults who do not want to be close with their parents
These people include friends who just don’t want to be around you anymore
Sadly enough, there is a huge number of people in this world who felt this way and they cannot express themselves fully
In the end, these people with unheard voices will just keep their real lively self hidden away from the world, all because there’s a big lack of people in this world who can listen
Listening skill is a skill that is greatly undervalued in this success driven world
That is why we must all practice it
Why listening
For all these people whose voice are unheard, they have a mental wound that desperately need to be healed
You can heal them by simply listening to them
You don’t need to have a grand vision to have everyone’s voice be heard because that’s physically impossible.
At the very least, you can listen to your friends, family and partner right around you
You can let them know that their voices are heard, their wounds are healing
At least in the little world between you and them; they can truly be themselves; they can truly be understood
It is only after that they are understood, they are able to truly love without holding back
Your partner will truly be able to love you, without getting hurt mentally from lack of listening
Your friends will truly care about you, without feeling the pain from lack of listening
Your family will care about you even more, while knowing that you understand them
Wouldn’t it be nice to live in such a world?
That is completely possible and listening is one of the key ingredients to get you there
Listening on a deeper level
When you listen to someone, you are more than just listening to what they have to say
You help them get their excessive thoughts out of their head
You help them to be more at peace with their mind
You help them to ease their pain, this is almost like a therapy except it’s free
Last but not least, you help them to share a part of themselves with you
By sharing a part of themselves with you, you get to build a stronger bond, thus strengthen the relationship between one another
With continual practice of listening, you help create a little world, a mini utopia that allows others to be who they are because they can be honest with themselves
In a way, you are allowing them to be who they are by letting them speak with their honest thoughts and opinions
Listening heals
Listening build and strengthen deeper bonds
Listening fosters freedom and bring forth the real self from one another
If we ever want at least a single person in this world to be who they are,
If we ever want to be who we are,
Then we need the ability to listen, and to listen well