Law of cause of effect
- 02 Jan, 2021
You are what you do
You are rich because you do provide value to others in exchange for money
You are a traveler because you do visit different places
You are a programmer because you do continuously learn and improve on coding
These labels are given to you because of the results you have achieved from your actions
This is simply law of cause and effect
Action is the cause, result is the effect
When people observe your results, they place a label on you
You are exactly where you need to be in life
You are here now because of all the results you have achieved
All your labels or the perception of you are also from the results you have achieved
If you want a different label…
Then you need to have different result
If you want a different label then you need to be somewhere else
You are NOT there yet because you have NOT achieved the results that need you to get there
You have NOT achieved the results because you have NOT taken enough actions to get you that result
Take advantage of law of cause and effect
Every action has a result
Every cause has an effect
If you want to be someone else (result), do what they do (action)
If you want to be a dancer, do what dancers do, learn and practice dancing often
If you want to be rich, learn and practice business often
If you want to be great public speaker, learn and practice public speaking often
It is that simple
You just need to show up everyday
One day, you will become the person who you want to be